Tuesday, June 15, 2010

غرور الأماني

esalam 3laikm wara7mat Allah wabarakateh
Many people these days commit sins and say Allah غفور رحيم and they forget that he is also شديد العقاب as i read in the book Alfawa2d lebn 8aym aljawziya he said (*i will type it my way not as written in the book exactly*) he wrote under the fa9l ma'3roor alamani he said ya ma'3roor alamani : iblees got cursed becuz masejad sajda wa7ida and Adam got out of heaven becuz of one bite فلا تأمنه أن يحبسك عن النار بمعصيه واحده من معاصيه ((و لا يخاف عقباها)) and a lady entered hell bcuz of a cat that she didnt feed و إن الرجل ليتكلم بالكلمة لا يلقي لها بالا يهوي بها في النار أبعد ما بين المشرق و المغرب so take care and doo good deeds and stay away from sins you might be doing good deed all ur life and one day u do one sin and u die while doing this sin u face Allah on the same way u left this world u will face him with this sin العمر بآخره و العمل بخاتمته
Allahuma A7sen 5atimatana!!!
and all that Allah is ra7eem and ra7matah wase3at Kul shay2 so who ever is doing sins dont continue sinning go Back To Allah and he will accept u
watch in youtube this video it talk about this issue: shaikh bilal asad -title: Ahmad the Repenter- its a really lovely lecture
wa9allah Allah 3ala nabeyina m7ammad wa3ala 2alehi wa9a7bihi wasalam

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

حلاوة الإيمان

Alsalam 3laikm wara7mat Allah wabarakateh..
its a wonderful feeling when ur soul is full of faith in Allah sub7anah Wata3ala, u feel that ur a good person and you try ur best to avoid all bad things in ur path, and put out all ur strength in doing the best things u can do so that you can please Allah and make him Happy. this happens when ur faith reaches its high levels, its really lovely. but somtimes faith decreases that it comes to a point you dont want to die in this situation. and u try hard to put u ur faith back in track again.
Eman level rises and lowers when ever our eman gets down we have to refresh it so that dust doesnt cover it and makes it hard for us to increase our faith back again... but having high level of eman has a unique lovely feelings. while praying u love to keep on praying you dont want to stop talking to Allah sub7anah wata3ala in ur sojood and thanking him and asking him for good destiny in life and hereafter. ربنا آتنا في الدنيا حسنه و في الآخرة حسنه و قنا عذاب النار
Always remember that no one knows when he is going to die and try always to do good deeds.
قليل دائم خير من كثير منقطع
keep on doing good things keep ur life fresh with good deeds always put a smile on ur face try not to do ma 7aram Allah and do what he told us to do.....
o wa'6bo 3ala athkar el9aba7 welmasa2 its a protector =D
اللهم اغفر للمسلمين و المسلمات الأحياء منهم و الأموات
وصلى الله على نبينا محمد و على آله و صحبه و سلم